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Komuro Laboraroty is a laboratory which opened in April 2011. We are conducting research of developing new, nonconventional systems based on image processing technologies. We are also making active efforts to commercialize our technology in cooperation with private companies.


2024/6/26 Movies "A Mid-air Multi-touch Interface using an Ultrafast Pan-tilt Camera", "AR Digital Workspace Using a Mobile Device", and "Lightweight Wearable AR System using Head-Mounted Projector for Work Support" have been uploaded.

2024/5/11-16 Yuta Abe (D1) made a presentation at CHI 2024.

2024/4/1 Five new members have been added.

2024/1/1 Zhou Jiaxin (former member)'s paper has been published in ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications Vol. 12(2024) No. 1.

2023/10/16-18 Thura Zaw (D3) made a presentation at ISVC 2023.

2023/4/3 Nine new members have been added.

2023/2/28 Chihiro Hoshizawa (M1)'s paper has been published in Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, Volume 5, Issue 1.

2022/12/1-2 Yuki Kojima (M1) made a presentation at SUI 2022.

2022/11/30-12/3 Yuki Sawanobori (M1) ICAT-EGVE 2022.

2022/10/17-21 Haruki Yuda (M1) made a presentation at ISMAR 2022.

2022/10/3-5 Zhou Jiaxin (D3) and Komuro made presentations (video) at ISVC 2022.

2022/9/12-16 Chihiro Hoshizawa (M1) made a presentation at CGI 2022.

2022/8/8-9 Shwe Yee Win (D3) and Su Wai Tun (D3) made presentations at ICIC 2022.

2022/6/26-7/1 Du Tingyu (M2) and Yuta Abe (M1) made presentations at HCII 2022.

2022/6/27 Zhou Jiaxin (D3)'s paper has been published in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 222.

2022/4/1 Assitant professor Taishi Iriyama and eight new members have been added.

2021/11/22 Masashi Miyazaki (former member)'s paper has been published in Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 78.

2021/10/9 Kazuki Kobayashi (former member)'s paper has been published in Multimedia Tools and Applications Vol. 80, Issue 21-23.

2021/10/4-8 Komuro made a presentation at ISMAR 2021.

2021/10/4-6 Su Wai Tun (D3), Masamichi Iimori (M2), Satoshi Moro (M2), and Komuro made presentations at ISVC 2021.

2021/7/24-29 Komuro made a presentation at HCII 2021.

2021/5/12-14 Komuro made a presentation at QCAV 2021.

2021/4/23-24 Huang Jingtao (M2) made a presentation at APMAR 2021.

2021/4/1 Seven new members have been added.

2021/1/10-12 Koki Hirota (M2) made a presentation at ICCE 2021.

2021/1/10 Li Lei (M2) made a presentation at ICPR 2020 Workshop CVAUI 2020.

2020/11/16 Zhou Jiaxin (D1) made a presentation at FG 2020.

2020/10/1 Ryota Nomura (former member)'s paper has been published in ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications Vol. 8(2020) No. 4.

2020/7/19-24 Zar Zar Tun (D3) and Komuro made presentations at HCI International 2020.

2020/7/7 Movie "Palm-controlled Pointing Interface using a Dynamic Photometric Stereo Camera" has been uploaded.

2020/4/1 Seven new members have been added.

2020/3/18 Yoshio Matsuda (M2)'s paper has been published in the proceedings of IUI 2020.

2020/2/14 Movie "Dynamic Layout Optimization for Multi-user Interaction with a Large Display" has been uploaded.

2019/12/9-11 Koki Hirota (M1) made a presentation at AIVR 2019.

2019/10/14-18 Masashi Miyazaki, Ken Moteki (M2), and Shun Odajima (M1) made presentations at ISMAR 2019.

2019/10/7-9 Zar Zar Tun (D2) made a presentation at ISVC 2019.

2019/10/2-4 Komuro made a presentation at Cyberworlds 2019.

2019/10/1 Three new members have been added.

2019/9/22-25 Zhou Jiaxin (M2) made a presentation at ICIP 2019.

2019/6/17-20 Haru Otani (M1) made a presentation at CGI 2019.

2019/4/1 Six new members have been added.

2019/2/27-28 Komuro gave a talk at ICCA 2019.

2018/12/12-14 Komuro gave a talk and made a demonstration at IDW 2018.

2018/11/28-29 Zar Zar Tun (D1) made a presentation and Komuro gave a talk at IWISS 2018.

2018/11/1-2 Komuro gave a talk at ICAIT 2018.

2018/10/16-20 Masashi Miyazaki (M1) and Seiji Tsunezaki (M1) made presentations at ISMAR 2018

2018/9/27 Tomohiro Araki (former member)'s paper has been published in Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vo. 50.

2018/9/19 Yusuke Kemmoku (former member)'s paper has been published in Information, Vol. 9, No. 9.

2018/9/18 Movie "Reproducing Material Appearance of Real Objects using Mobile Augmented Reality" has been uploaded.

2018/9/18 Movie "Extended Workspace using a Smartphone with a Depth Camera" has been uploaded.

2018/9/18 Movie "A Multi-user Interactive Public Display with Dynamic Layout Optimization" has been uploaded.

2018/6/6-8 Yoshio Matsuda (M1) made a presentation at PerDis 2018.

2018/4/2 Seven new members have been added.

2017/12/07 Movie "Mobile Augmented Reality for Providing Perception of Materials" has been uploaded.

2017/12/07 Movie "Comparative Study on Text Entry Methods for Mobile Devices with a Hover Function" has been uploaded.

2017/12/07 Movie "On-mouse Projector: Peephole Interaction using a Mouse with a Projector" has been uploaded.

2017/11/26-29 Tomohiro Araki (M2), Toshiaki Aiyoshizawa (M2) and Ryota Nomura (M1) made presentations at MUM 2017.

2017/11/8-10 Kazuki Kobayashi (M1) made a presentation at VRST 2017.

2017/10/17-20 Yutaka Endo (M2) made a presentation at ISS 2017.

2017/10/9-13 Ryota Ito (M1) and Masashi Miyazaki (B4) made presentations at ISMAR 2017.

2017/7/4 Ming Li (former member)'s paper has been published in Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol. 137, No. 7.

2017/5/14-16 Komuro made a presentation at QCAV 2017.

2017/5/6-11 Komuro made a presentation at CHI 2017.

2017/4/24 Komuro gave an invited talk at OFS-25.

2017/4/5 Movie "VolGrab: Realizing 3D View Navigation by Aerial Hand Gestures" has been uploaded.

2017/4/4 Yuko Unuma (former member)'s paper has been published in ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications Vol. 5(2017) No. 2.

2017/4/3 Four new members have been added.

2017/3/24 Dai Fujita (former member)'s paper has been published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 10118.

2017/2/16-17 Komuro gave an invited talk at ICCA 2017.

2017/1/12 Kuniyuki Kugenuma (former member) and Komuro won the IWAIT 2017 Best Paper Award.

2017/1/8-10 Komuro made a presentation at IWAIT 2017.

2016/11/24 Dai Fujita (former member) made a presentation at ACCV 2016 Workshop on Meeting HCI with CV.

2016/11/17-18 Komuro made a presentation at IWISS 2016.

2016/11/7-10 Komuro gave an invited talk at 31st ICHSIP.

2016/10/15-16 Nozomi Sugiura (former member) made a presentation at SUI 2016.

2016/9/19-23 Yusuke Kemmoku (M1) made a presentation at ISMAR 2016.

2016/9/6-9 Toshiaki Aiyoshizawa (M1) and Tomohiro Araki (M1) made presentations at MobileHCI 2016.

2016/8/22 Movie "AR Tabletop Interface using a Head-Mounted Projector" has been uploaded.

2016/8/8 Movie "On-mouse Projector: Extended Workspace using a Mouse with a Projector" has been uploaded.

2016/8/8 Movie "PZBoard: A Prediction-based Zooming Interface for Supporting Text Entry on a Mobile Device" has been uploaded.

2016/4/1 Five new members have been added.

2016/3/19-23 Komuro made a presentation at VR 2016.

2016/2/17-19 Masakazu Higuchi (researcher) made a presentation at FCV 2016.

2016/1/15 Sayaka Abe (former member) and Komuro won the IWAIT 2016 Best Paper Award.

2016/1/11 Movie "A Pseudo 3D Interactive Projection System using Motion Parallax" has been uploaded.

2016/1/7-8 Chao Luomeng (M2) and Komuro made presentations at IWAIT 2016.

2016/1/7 A book, a part of which Komuro wrote, has been published.

2015/11/15-18 Komuro made a presentation at ITS 2015.

2015/11/3-6 Dai Fujita (M2) made a presentation at ACPR 2015.

2015/11/2 Movie "Real-time 3D Hand Pointing Recognition using Appearance Difference between Two Camera Images" has been uploaded.

2015/10/16 Movie "3D Tabletop User Inteface using a High-speed Stereo Camera" has been uploaded.

2015/9/29-10/3 Yuko Unuma (M2) and Komuro made presentations at ISMAR 2015.

2015/9/29 Movie "Natural 3D Interaction using a See through Mobile AR System" has been uploaded.

2015/4/18-23 Masakazu Higuchi (researcher) and Shun Sekiguchi (M1) made presentations at CHI 2015.

2015/4/1 Seven new members have been added.

2015/3/23-27 Lili Wang (M2) and Nozomi Sugiura (M1) made presentations at VR 2015.

2015/3/19 Dai Fujita (M1)'s paper has been published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8925.

2015/3/19 Movie "A Tabletop Projector-camera System for Remote and Nearby Pointing Operation" has been uploaded.

2015/3/3 Movie "Three dimensional VR Interaction using the Motion of a Mobile Display" has been uploaded.

2015/3/3 Movie "Dynamic 3D Interaction System using an Optical See-through HMD" has been uploaded.

2015/2/17 Movie "Multi-finger AR Typing Interface for Mobile Devices Using High-Speed Hand Motion Recognition" has been uploaded.

2014/11/16-19 Hiroaki Tateyama (M1) and Zhao Xu (M1) made presentations at ITS 2014.

2014/10/14 Movie "3D Tabletop User Interface Using Virtual Elastic Objects" has been uploaded.

2014/10/14 Movie "Three-Dimensional Hand Pointing Recognition using Two Cameras" has been uploaded.

2014/9/6-7 Dai Fujita (M1) made a presentation at ECCV 2014 Workshop ChaLearn LAP 2014.

2014/4/1 Komuro's paper has been published in ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications Vol. 2(2014) No. 2.

2014/4/1 Eight new members have been added.

2014/2/24-27 Yuko Unuma (B4) and Satoshi Sagara (B4) made presentations at IUI 2014.

2014/1/6-8 Hayato Kuroda (M1) made a presentation at IWAIT 2014 and won the Best Paper Award.

2013/12/22-23 Komuro made a presentation at ICEEHE 2013.

2013/12/2-5 Masakazu Higuchi (researcher) made a presentation at MUM 2013 and won the Best Paper Award.

2013/11/26 Movie "AR Typing Interface for Mobile Devices" has been uploaded.

2013/10/2 Two new members have been added.

2013/7/20-21 Takumi Kusano (M1) made a presentation at SUI 2013.

2013/7/1 Movie "A Virtually Tangible 3D Interaction System using an Autostereoscopic Display" has been uploaded.

2013/7/1 Masakazu Higuchi (researcher)'s paper has been published in ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications Vol. 1(2013) No. 3.

2013/5/9 Movie "A Zooming Interface for Accurate Text Input on Mobile Devices" has been uploaded.

2013/4/27-5/2 Naoto Koarai (M1) made a presentation at CHI 2013.

2013/4/1 Seven new members have been added.

2013/3/11 Movie "Geometrically Consistent Mobile AR" has been uploaded.

2013/3/7-8 Hikari Uchida (B4) made a presentation at AH 2013.

2012/11/19-21 Komuro made a presentation at DHIP 2012.

2012/11/16 Movie "3D Touch Panel Interface Using an Autostereoscopic Display" has been uploaded.

2012/11/11-14 Takehiro Niikura (researcher) made a presentation at ITS 2012.

2012/11/2 Movie "Zooming Interface for Mobile Devices" has been uploaded.

2012/11/2 Youtube KomuroLab channel has been created.

2012/10/4 Komuro received the GCCE 2012 Outstanding Poster Award together with Prof. Ogawa, Ms. Sakata, and Ms. Muraiso (Japan Women's University)

2012/4/2 Six new members have been added.

2012/3/4-5 Ryo Fujii (B4) made a presentation at 3DUI 2012.

2011/8/9 English page opened.

Copyright (C) 2011 Komuro Laboratory. All Rights Reserved.